Leaders are born in the flames of adversity, not the cool waters of the status quo.
With the world coming to grips with the coronavirus pandemic, one should be thinking about taking necessary steps to prepare for the coming societal changes we will all face in the coming weeks and months. There is more to this situation than just dealing with the virus, its health risks and concerns. The financial fallout from this pandemic are very real concerns and should not be taken lightly. Whether you believe the virus is a threat or not, there will be very real financial consequences from this global event that have the potential to affect you, your family, friends and co-workers. To take no precautionary measures makes no logical sense. Not since World War II have we seen entire countries locked down under martial law. To deny these current events are actually happening is to be in denial. The window to prepare for most people is quickly closing but you can still take steps today that can insure a better chance of riding out this global pandemic situation. You may find that you already have many items in your home that you can begin consolidating together into a preparedness kit to sustain you and your family during the coming days, weeks and months. Don’t be caught off guard buy thinking you have enough supplies in your home to ride out a lock down situation without even taking an inventory of what you do have on-hand. There is also a side benefit of taking a preparedness approach right now and that is it will focus your mind in a more positive direction during these stressful times, which is also good for your immune system. We are goal oriented by nature, why not use this to your advantage. To know that you have some supplies and necessary items in case of an emergency does wonders for your mental state and it doesn’t take a huge effort to get started today. Start by going through your cupboards and making an inventory of what you have on-hand. You may find quite a few surplus items that you can store in a separate area only for an emergency. This could be anything form extra cans of food, toiletries, medicines, tools, etc. Pay attention to any expiration dates on packaging and make a note of this in your inventory as items will need to be rotated out and used as they get close to their expiration dates. Once you have assembled your surplus items, put them in storage bins or tubs that can be stored in a cool dry place, such as a closet or basement, under a bed or anyplace where you can find to store your supplies. One important thing to remember is to not tell people what you have stored away. You can encourage people to prepare but do not divulge what you have in your own stash. That is rule number one when speaking to people about prepping. If you run into family, friends or co-workers who push back against being prepared or mock you, just move along. There is no need to engage in a conversation of trying to convince them that being prepared is a good idea. It has been said that pulling a wet noodle is far easier than pushing a wet noodle. I hope these ideas have given you some basic insight into starting your own preparedness plan. In the coming weeks I will be going over more detailed preparedness topics and scenarios to help you become better prepared in case of an emergency or lock down situation. I want to thank you for stopping by and I hope this information has been helpful to you.
Let’s be careful out there!